Amphenol DL - 预接地/FMLB连接器

Amphenol DL系列预接地/FMLB(先接后断)连接器适用于对从接地层端子到外壳的保护电路的安全性要求高的应用。此款连接器提供将杂散电压分流到安全接地层的路径,以避免损坏敏感设备或伤害操作人员。可与AIT、MIL-DTL-5015和97系列互配。 For full product information on Amphenol’s DL series Pre-Earth / FMLB connectors, please see the specifications below.
1 2 3 DL3106A 18-10 S 连接器类型 胶芯布局 端子 ![]() 第1步:选择外壳类型
STEP 2: LAYOUT第2步:选择胶芯布局
额定电流(安培) 13A 23A 46A 胶芯布局 针端子胶芯配对图 端子总数 端子尺寸 端子尺寸 端子尺寸
• 仅表示预接地端子 *插头内预接地端子 |
MS3057-AAMPHENOL DL系列预先接地/FMLB M3057-A电缆夹
标准MS3057电缆夹具有双重夹紧作用,可在电线上提供平衡的固定保持,并大大减少湿气传输。此款电缆夹可配接MS3420套管。可以嵌套MS3420套管以缩减内径(ID),更紧密地配合不同尺寸的电缆或线束。 标准夹 标准夹和缩径套管 外壳尺寸 2B级螺纹 实惠型铸锌 铝带黄铜螺钉 铝带不锈钢螺钉 最大电缆直径 实惠型锌,带套管 含套管 套管内径英寸(毫米) 8S/10S 1/2-28 UNEF - MS3057-3A M85049/41-3A 0.250 (6.35) - MS3420-3 0.130 (3.3) 10SL 5/8-24 UNEF **97-3057-1004 MS3057-4A M85049/41-4A 0.312 (7.92) 97-3057-1004-1 MS3420-4 0.220 (5.6) 12/12S 5/8-24 UNEF **97-3057-1004 MS3057-4A M85049/41-4A 0.312 (7.92) 97-3057-1004-1 MS3420-4 0.220 (5.6) 12SL/14S 3/4-20 UNEF **97-3057-1007 MS3057-6A M85049/41-6A 0.438 (11.10) 97-3057-1007-1 MS3420-6 0.312 (7.9) 16/16S 7/8-20 UNEF **97-3057-1008 MS3057-8A M85049/41-8A 0.562 (14.27) 97-3057-1008-1 MS3420-8 0.437 (11.1) 18 1-20 UNEF **97-3057-1010 MS3057-10A M85049/41-10A 0.625 (15.88) 97-3057-1010-1 MS3420-10 0.562 (14.3) 20/22 1 3/16-18 UNEF **97-3057-1012 MS3057-12A M85049/41-12A 0.750 (19.0) 97-3057-1012-1 MS3420-12 0.625 (15.9) 24/28 1 7/16-18 UNEF **97-3057-1016 MS3057-16A M85049/41-16A 0.938 (23.80) 97-3057-1016-1 MS3420-16, -12 0.625 (15.9) 32 1 3/4-18 UNS **97-3057-1020 MS3057-20A M85049/41-20A 1.250 (31.75) 97-3057-1020-1 MS3420-20, -16 0.750 (19.0) 36 2-18 UNS **97-3057-1024 MS3057-24A M85049/41-24A 1.375 (34.92) 97-3057-1024-1 MS3420-24, -20 0.937 (23.8) 40 2 1/4-16 UNS - MS3057-28A M85049/41-28A 1.625 (41.28) - - - 默认值为CAD OD 所有尺寸均以英寸为单位(括号内为毫米) MS3057-CAMPHENOL DL系列预先接地/FMLB MS3057-C防水电缆夹
电线直径英寸(毫米) 可选套管 外壳尺寸 料号 最大值 最小值 料号 最大电线直径(毫米) 8S/10S MS3057-3C 0.219 (5.56) 0.095 (2.41) MS3420-3A 0.125 (3.17) 10SL/12/12S MS3057-4C 0.312 (7.93) 0.188 (4.80) MS3420-4A 0.219 (5.56) 12SL/14S MS3057-6C 0.438 (11.12) 0.281 (7.10) MS3420-6A 0.312 (7.93) 16/16S MS3057-8C 0.530 (13.48) 0.312 (7.90) MS3420-8A 0.438 (11.10) 18 MS3057-10C 0.625 (15.87) 0.375 (9.50) MS3420-10A 0.438 (11.10) 20/22 MS3057-12C 0.750 (19.00) 0.500 (12.70) MS3420-12A 0.540 (13.74) 24/28 MS3057-16C 0.940 (23.80) 0.625 (15.90) MS3420-16A 0.750 (19.00) 32 MS3057-20C 1.25 (31.75) 0.921 (23.40) MS3420-20A 0.938 (23.80) 36 MS3057-24C 1.38 (35.00) 1.00 (25.40) MS3420-24A 1.12 (28.50) 40 MS3057-28C 1.62 (41.25) 1.25 (31.80) MS3420-28A 1.125 (31.75) 所有尺寸均以英寸为单位(括号内为毫米) MS3420AMPHENOL DL系列预先接地/FMLB MS3420缩径套管
8S/10S MS3420-3 .130 (3.30) 无 - MS3057-3A 10SL MS3420-4 .220 (5.59) 无 - MS3057-4A 12/12S MS3420-4 .220 (5.59) 无 - MS3057-4A 14S MS3420-6 .312 (7.92) 无 - MS3057-6A 16S MS3420-8 .437 (11.10) 无 - MS3057-8A 16 MS3420-8 .437 (11.10) 无 - MS3057-8A 18 MS3420-10 .562 (14.30) 无 - MS3057-10A 20 MS3420-12 .625 (15.90) 无 - MS3057-12A 22 MS3420-12 .625 (15.90) 无 - MS3057-12A 24 MS3420-16 .750 (19.05) MS3420-12 .625 (15.90) MS3057-16A 28 MS3420-16 .750 (19.05) MS3420-12 .625 (15.90) MS3057-16A 32 MS3420-20 .937 (23.80) MS3420-16 .750 (19.05) MS3057-20A 36 MS3420-24 1.250 (31.75) MS3420-20 .937 (23.80) MS3057-24A 40 MS3420-28 1.375 (34.92) MS3420-24 1.250 (31.75) SE96-28A4 所有尺寸均以英寸为单位(括号内为毫米) MS3420-AAMPHENOL DL系列预先接地/FMLB MS3420-A缩径套管
可与MS3057-C电缆夹(C型)配套使用,以缩减电线密封直径。套管可以逐个嵌套,以逐渐减小电缆夹的内径。“缩径套管”栏内列明了每个电缆夹可配备的嵌套选件。 9767AMPHENOL DL系列预先接地/FMLB 9767电缆夹
最大电缆外径 最小值电缆外径 外壳尺寸 电缆夹 英寸 毫米 英寸 毫米 螺纹等级 10SL/12S/12 9767-12-4 0.219 5.55 0.100 2.54 5/8-24 14S 9767-14-4 0.219 5.55 0.100 2.54 3/4-20 14S 9767-14-6 0.344 8.73 0.176 4.47 3/4-20 16S/16 9767-16-4 0.219 5.55 0.100 2.54 7/8-20 16S/16 9767-16-6 0.344 8.73 0.176 4.47 7/8-20 16S/16 9767-16-6 0.344 8.73 0.176 4.47 7/8-20 16S/16 9767-16-8 0.438 11.12 0.177 4.50 7/8-20 18 9767-18-6 0.344 8.73 0.176 4.47 1-20 18 9767-18-8 0.438 11.12 0.177 4.50 1-20 18 9767-18-10 0.563 14.29 0.292 7.42 1-20 20/22 9767-22-8 0.438 11.12 0.177 4.50 1-3/16-18 20/22 9767-22-10 0.563 14.29 0.292 7.42 1-3/16-18 20/22 9767-22-12 0.688 17.46 0.370 9.40 1-3/16-18 24/28 9767-28-10 0.563 14.29 0.292 7.42 1-7/16-18 24/28 9767-28-12 0.688 17.46 0.370 9.40 1-7/16-18 24/28 9767-28-16 0.844 21.43 0.536 13.61 1-7/16-18 32 9767-32-20 1.031 26.19 0.590 14.99 1-3/4-18UNS 36 9767-36-16 0.844 21.43 0.536 13.61 2-18UNS GASKETSAMPHENOL DL SERIES PRE-EARTH / FMLB GASKETS
Synthetic rubber gaskets are used to ensure a moisture-tight seal between a receptacle and the panel. Gaskets are available for front or rear panel mounting of style-0, 2, and 6B connectors. Gasket thickness is approximately .031 inches (1 mm), for nonconductive and low-temperature types. Conductive shielding gaskets contain an imbedded metal screen for EMI/RFI shielding in addition to moisture sealing. Gaskets are available for front or rear panel mounting of connectors. Gasket thickness is .020 inches (.5 mm). Shell Size Non-Conductive Conductive Low-Temperature-67ºF (-55ºC) 8S 10-040450-008 10-040450-08S 10-036675-008 10S/10SL 10-040450-010 10-040450-10S 10-036675-010 12/12S 10-040450-012 10-040450-12S 10-036675-012 14/14S 10-040450-014 10-040450-14S 10-036675-014 16S 10-040450-016 10-040450-16S 10-036675-016 16 10-040450-016 10-040450-16S 10-036675-016 18 10-040450-018 10-040450-18S 10-036675-018 20 10-040450-020 10-040450-20S 10-036675-020 22 10-040450-022 10-040450-22S 10-036675-022 24 10-040450-024 10-040450-24S 10-036675-024 28 10-040450-028 10-040450-28S 10-036675-028 32 10-040450-032 10-040450-32S 10-036675-032 36 10-040450-036 10-040450-36S 10-036675-036 40 10-040450-040 10-040450-40S 10-036675-040 METAL DUST CAPSAMPHENOL DL SERIES PRE-EARTH / FMLB METAL DUST CAPS WITH SASH CHAIN & DUMMY RECEPTACLES
Metal dust caps are used to protect the contacts when the connectors are left unmated. Dust caps come with metal chain lanyards. Dummy receptacles are for front or rear panel mounting. The center of the dummy receptacle is closed. Dummy receptacles mount on the same centers and have the same outside dimensions as MS3102 receptacles. A version with a clearance hole through the middle of the connector is also available. Call for ordering information. Dust Caps Dust Caps Dummy
8S MS25042-8* MS25043-8* MS3105-8S 10S/10SL MS25042-10* MS25043-10* MS3105-10S 12/12S/12SL MS25042-12* MS25043-12* MS3105-12S 14S MS25042-14* MS25043-14* MS3105-14S 16S MS25042-16* MS25043-16* MS3105-16S 16 MS25042-16* MS25043-16* MS3105-16 18 MS25042-18* MS25043-18* MS3105-18 20 MS25042-20* MS25043-20* MS3105-20 22 MS25042-22* MS25043-22* MS3105-22 24 MS25042-24* MS25043-24* MS3105-24 28 MS25042-28* MS25043-28* MS3105-28 32 MS25042-32* MS25043-32* MS3105-32 36 MS25042-36* MS25043-36* MS3105-36 40 MS25042-40* MS25043-40* MS3105-40 *Contact for all other platings *D = Olive drab chrome over cadmium DA = Anodized |